DEF CON 5 Scavenger Hunt
The DEF CON Scavenger Hunt was started by Pinguino at DC5 while in the vendor area for System Failure.
This was posted by Pinguino following the first hunt, sourced from
The scavenger hunt was a System Failure thing. I wanted me and maq702 to make novelty and fake IDs, but nobody would lend me a color quickcam or digicam. In desperation, I thought of a game so we wouldn't be bored. I made a list of a ton of weird stuff that people could get usually by trashing or networking, and some off the wall filler items. Each item was assigned a # of points and your group of 5 or less needed 100 points to win. People were going for the weird stuff, like the 60pt security camera, or the 20pt live duck. The guy who won the contest, ToiletDuck, actually counted as a live duck. He won that same night. TDYC entered and ripped out their hotel room wall to get free ld ;). They brought me up to another room and showed me a bathtub with shit in it.. I was like "Umm.. okay, gross, what is that?" Then they pulled the curtain back and "quack" there was a duckling. They won second place (you might want to think of it as 1st place of the second game). Btw System Failure will be at CuervoCon, with a new contest and a new item list ;)