DEF CON 9 Scavenger Hunt
The scavenger hunt this year is being run behalf of FLippersmack (project that replaced sysfail) with the help of Kline ezine (hackcanada) to ensure that there'll always be someone there. Stop by and pick up the rules and enter the contest! Check out the official scavenger web site.

This was originally written by Pinguino in a zine called Flippersmack:
FIRST PLACE: A-Team Circuit, Random Dent, Fantom SECOND PLACE: Exxodus Siviak, Wolfe, Banshee, Texorist THIRD PLACE: Blackcell Carl B, Hampton Prizes included: Original art and comic books from Penguin Palace and Comics Conspiracy, T-shirts from Jinx Hackwear,, Cult of the Dead Cow, Phone Losers of America, Halibut Stuff, Iron Feather Journal, as well as shot glasses and a hat from DefCon, Tux from Nerdgear, mugs from AtNetworks, books from Loompanics, toy linesmen's handset and hats from Phone Losers of America, and stickers from Penguin Palace,, Halibut Stuff, and Phone Losers of America. How did they win? Each team is given a piece of paper with items to do or bring to us. When some of the items are brought back, the team is given a higher-value clue to solve. Many of the clues were location-based and written on the spot. Both Exxodus and A-Team showed considerable dedication and enthusiasm for the hunt, as well as endless creativity and ingenuity. How did A-Team win? They didn't sleep much. A-Team did almost every small clue and bonus clue they were handed, which involved acts like swimming naked laps in the pool, bringing a live Coy fish, writing a limerick with the word "fuselage" and creating a penguin out of data cables and tape! They also duct-taped themselves to each other for 20 mins, wore pants backwards for 3 hours, found Bill Jenkins and Cook E. Jar, got the secret clue off of Jackalope's CD, fed's business card, and got RBCP to draw a cactus. Exxodus gets props on their nakedness. They did every naked challenge presented to them, as well as random weird stuff like Siviak wearing 13 tshirts and 4 pairs of pants and jumping into the pool. They made cable art out of a fake leg, and their team member Texorist actually got married in Vegas on DefCon weekend! Wow, congrats Texorist. Banshee tongue-raped an unsuspecting Pesto, and the team brought over a guy named Swan. They also found every phrase that followed "Win or Die" in the GameWorks payphones, as well as the director of "The MPire Strikes Back: an M&M production." This is the third year for the Scavenger Hunt, and it's gotten bigger and better each time! Thank you, everyone who participated: the players, their friends, prize donators, and Flippersmack staff! You guys asked for the Scavenger Hunt, and you made it come together! Good luck next year!
Here is a video showing the 2nd place team.