DEF CON 17 Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt 2k9: We've got the challenge, have you got the skills?
Welcome back to another great year of Finding, Doing, Drinking and Searching. We have compiled an AMAZING List this year that is unlike anything we have ever done in the past. Testing your Hacking, Geeking, Nerding and SEing skills, abilities and knowledge to the absolute limits.
We've taken a big step away from Scavenger Hunts in the past with different challenges based around all aspects of life on-the-hack. Building, DumpsterDiving, Harassing, Seeking, Drinking, Plotting and Planning.
The Rules remain The same:
1. No more than 5 people per team.
2. Siviak is always right.
3. Team with the most points at Noon on Sunday, wins.
With that said, I would like to personally invite back any winners from prior years to compete once again.. The Game has changed, have you kept up?
The printed list can be found here.

- Sweaty Man Business
Salem, DualD, EvilMoFo, Fire Penguin, and Lowteck - Dr. Jaeger
- Team Tapir Cock