DEF CON 26 Scavenger Hunt
The year between DC25 and DC26 was rough for all of our judges; our personal lives impacted the planning to such an extent that the printed list wasn't up to our standards, so most of it was rewritten Thursday night before con.
We added a couple new rules this year in an attempt to improve submissions. We added rule 4 to encourage teams to impress us, it goes hand in hand with the submission attempt mechanism we added last year. We also get very tired saying how to submit items, as teams routinely show up and start turning in items incorrectly, so we made rule 5.
We also added a new element to the game with the #pantslessvillage, which ran 2PM - 6PM on Saturday, where teams earned an extra point for submissions made while not wearing pants.
Do you have specialty skills that you haven't found an outlet for? Like making replicas of colonial era Presidents heads out of macaroni and cheese or stitching wool sweaters for Venus fly traps? Well as it turns out there's a competition made special just for you! Come on down to the Defcon Scavenger Hunt, now in its 21st year! We are the contest that you might not have known by name but you've probably seen, heard, or smelled all over Defcon. With competitions that involve you with almost every aspect of Defcon; we're arguably the best way you can spend your weekend. First through third place will receive fabulous prizes, while all other participants will presumably walk away with a little more dignity left.
Pre-con list

The text of the list can be found here.

Final Scores
It is important to note that the 3rd place team consisted of one person. The previous best placing for a one person team was 4th at DC20.
The winning team members were Olya, Amir, Anton, and xhugglesx.