DEF CON 30 Scavenger Hunt
The DEF CON Scavenger Hunt is back for the 25th hunt. We are gearing up to once again catch Las Vegas with its pants down #pantslessvillage. This year, we return to in-person only operations with up to 5 people per team and table submissions.
For those new to DEF CON, or otherwise uninitiated, the DEF CON Scavenger Hunt is regarded by many as the best way to interact with the con. We do our best to encourage you to challenge your comfort zone, meet people, and otherwise see and do a bit of everything that DEF CON 30 has to offer. For those who have aspirations to become more involved with DEF CON in the future, many of our veteran contestants include goons, speakers, and contest organizers.
So, how does a scavenger hunt run for 25 years? As this is DEF CON, this is not your ordinary scavenger hunt. The list is open to interpretation, it is a hacker con after all, so hack the list. Because how you interpret the list is entirely out of our hands, we have posted trigger warnings. You will be finding and doing a variety of things, it is up to you to convince the judges whatever you are turning in meets the criteria and is worth the points.
You don't have to devote all of your time to play and have fun, come turn in a couple items and enjoy yourself. If you want to win however, you will have to scavenge as much as you can over the weekend. While the hunt starts on Friday morning, with determination and a lack of sleep, we have seen people start at 2AM on Saturday night and place. Likewise, if you don't play well with others, we have seen single-players also place. In other words, we work very hard to keep the barrier to entry as low as possible. You don't need to be some binary reversing wizard, and there's no qualifier to compete, you can just show up and win if you want it enough.
The hunt was started by Pinguino at DEF CON 5 simply to avoid being bored; there was no hunt at DEF CON 8, for those doing math. In the intervening years, to further avoid boredom, we have been out scavenging and went from having a simple cardboard sign to a truly mesmerizing table.
So come to the scav hunt table in the contest area (it's hard to miss us) with a team name ready. Once you get a list, your assignment is to turn in as many items as you can before noon on Sunday. The team with the most points wins. Items are worth more points the sooner you turn them in, so come on down and turn in frequently.
We want to thank Pinguino, Grifter, Siviak, Salem, all of the judges, and all of the players that have made it possible for us to host the 25th DEF CON Scavenger Hunt.
The DEF CON 30 Scavenger Hunt is brought to you by DualD, EvilMoFo, Kaybz, Sconce, Shazbot, Zhora. THE RULES: 1: the judges are always right 2: not our problem 3: make it weird 4: don't disappoint the judge(s) 5: team name, item number, present your item
If you capture pictures or video of items from our list happening, or have some from previous years, please send it to us via email scavlist@gmail.com.
This year we deployed our recently scavenged Printronix P8005 and printed the most lists ever, you can check out the list here.Final Scores