DEF CON 31 Scavenger Hunt
Are you tired of being an NPC, mindlessly standing in line at a hacker con? Do you want to be involved and improve the hacker community? The DEF CON Scavenger Hunt is here to encourage you to interact with goons and attendees alike; to be an active participant of DEF CON itself.
Come visit the DEF CON Scavenger Hunt table in the contest area and get a list, register your team of 1 to 5 players, and gather or accomplish as many items from the list as you can. Items are submitted at the table, better than average submissions shall be awarded bonus points. The team who turns in the most points by Sunday at noon will win the admiration of your like-minded peers.
The DEF CON Scavenger Hunt is one of the longest running contests at DEF CON, visit https://defconscavhunt.com for a history lesson.
If you capture pictures or video of items from our list, or have in the past, please send them to us via email scavlist@gmail.com.
We started late this year getting the list ready for printing, you can take a look at the list here.Scoreboard
This year, we implemented a public facing scoreboard for the first time since DC12. To normalize the column size and obfuscate the teams a bit, we did a CRC of their team name.
Final Scores